Verbal ping-pong of the sisterly kind.


On the Horns of a Serious Dilemma

So dearest Middle Sis, should I change Shithead's nickname?

The riff from Good Omens will always remain dear and near to my heart, but I'm thinkin' the aka part needs a bit of sprucing.

And no, My Current Pole is not acceptable.We're the Poles. Well, Quarter-Poles anyway...

Well, do as you like, but it better not be along the lines of "Sweet Muffin" or "Pookie Pie". A few suggestions:

Mr. In-Limbo
Blurter of Inappropriate Phrases (BIP - has a nice ring)
Fucker Bitch
Host for a Cock

Shithead is still my favorite, with My Current Pole a close second.
As I've said before, if I start using saccaine drenched nicknames for him or anybody, you have my permission to soundly kick my ass and I will even buy your ticket to Rome to facilitate said ass kicking.

'Fucker Bitch'? I must not be awake yet as it seems to make more sense (in a self depricaiting way) as 'Bitch Fucker'.

Dances with Pussy?
The Orgasmatron?
Mr. Finally Figured Out What You Want, Eh?

Fucker Bitch stems from a note left on a car. "Don't park in my spot again, fucker bitch!" No...I was not the one that wrote it. Unfortunately.

I like Orgasmatron (who doesn't?!?), but it still seems too nice. I guess I'll have to get over it.