Pass me some tips, sis. Apparently, I'm not female-looking enough...
Went to a bar tonight located in an office building. The bathrooms are in a joint hallway and require a code to access the sweet, sweet flushability. This is the conversation with the bartender:
CM: Do you happen to have the code for the bathroom?
B: The women's bathroom?
CM: Um...yeah.
It didn't *quite* hit me until I was about to drop trou, but Jebus...if he had to ask, something must be wrong. The scarf I was wearing was in no way bulky enough or large enough to hide the chestal region.
P.S. - I love it. Blogger wanted to replace Jebus with "Jeeps". You know, the all-terrain-type savior. Now comes with linen seats, run flat tires, and a battery that will never go dead.
I'm so going to hell.
There's no way in hell you look anything even remotely approaching 'manly'. Apart from the sweater puppies cougars you have been endowed with, you've got Der Family Boot-ay to, er, boot.
Apparently this bartender was dumber than usual and/or confused by the fact that your morning abolutions don't involve troweling 3 metric tonnes of slap onto your face.
Next time punch him in the nads (after he gives you the bathroom code, of course)