...crack monkey's birthday is the 10th. She has apparently already started celebrations (Brava) and I fully expect her to continue them after the Annual Work Project That Spawned the Moniker 'Crack Monkey' is over, becasue as far as I'm concerned, it's not a birthday, it's a birthmonth.
* The Annual Work Project That Spawned the Moniker 'Crack Monkey' looms neigh and I too am swimming in a backload of Shite to Finish for Work. I dunno about you sis, but I find more and more grey hairs each day. Did Gramma F. go prematurely grey? I know Gramma S. didn't have a bloody grey hair on her head once she stop dying it red. And I think I saw my first wrinkle today.
*looks at work*
Now I know why I have grey hairs and (a) wrinkle.
Know anyone who has a couple of grand or twenty so I can start my own place? Gah.
Thanks for linking to that particular picture. One of my more shining moments...maybe. I've got to stop being such a silly monkey. I'm almost in my mid-to-late twenties (as opposed to just mids) for heaven's sake.
And I have no idea if Grams went prematurely grey, but with our uncles and dad, I wouldn't doubt it. Funny...she turns grey over kids, we turn grey over our jobs. Modern women rule.
Speaking of jobs, you can stick a fork in mine after the day I've had. The ulcer came back full swing after a shocking piece of news regarding the AE. No wonder wine is my friend. A good bottle of red is going down the hatch tonight, sans glass.
Sister dearest, I am working diligently on winning the lottery so we can both fulfill our fantasies. Yours - to own a [edit] chain across Europe. Mine - to clean your [edit] chain all across Europe. Now I've only to buy a lottery ticket. Small steps, cracky...small steps.
Excuse me while I go whimper in the corner now. (Please give a poke if the whimpering gets too loud.)
[edit] chain - sort of like Kinko's, but with little bespectacled ladies weilding viscous blood red pens against grammar and spelling errors instead of copy machines